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Beaver Trapping A Guide to Safe RemovalBeaver populations can be found all across North America. They are the largest rodents found in this country and are known for their dam-making abilities. For many reasons, beavers play a crucial role in our environment.

For example, beavers help to create wetlands. As a result of this, many other species of animals can thrive. With that being said, beavers can become a nuisance, as they damage trees and their dams can lead to property damage due to water blockages or flooding.

If beavers are living on your property and wreaking havoc on your yard, you might be wondering how to get rid of them. There are a few different ways to trap beavers, however, it is not recommended to attempt it on your own. Instead, you should contact a professional beaver trapper like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers.

Where Do Beavers Live?

Beavers are mainly nocturnal, using their time awake to create lodges or dams. They are attracted to the sounds of running water, which means water features on your property might make beavers interested.

Typically, you can find beavers near ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. They tend to congregate in areas with an abundance of trees, like willows, cottonwoods, and aspens. This is because they like to use these types of trees to build dams and eat.

If your yard has a lot of trees and a source of water, you might notice beaver activity. While beavers can be fun to look at, they can also cause significant damage to your property and home. A wildlife management company can help you resolve any beaver issues you might be having.

Can You Trap Beavers Yourself?

While it is possible to trap beavers yourself, there are a few reasons that make contacting a wildlife agency the best choice. First, there might be regulations that make it necessary to obtain a permit before you are legally allowed to trap beavers. Federal and local laws make these rules to ensure that the population of beavers does not diminish, as they are important to the environment.

Another thing to consider is that you might spook the beaver. While beavers are not known to be aggressive, if you scare them, they might become defensive and attack. Professional wildlife removal companies like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers know how to safely interact with beavers, making it a better idea to call them to assist you.

Different Methods for Beaver Trapping

Finding beaver dams on your property is a surefire sign that you have a beaver problem. If you are wondering how to trap a beaver, there are several different ways to go about it.

The different types of traps for beavers include:

  • Live Trapping- Different types of live traps can be used on beavers. For example, you can use a body grip trap or a foothold trap. It is best to use a live trap, as killing beavers might not be legal in your area.
  • Lethal Trapping- Sometimes, lethal trapping is the only option. It is important to note that you must check local and federal laws before using a lethal trap. The most common type of lethal trap is called a 330 conibear trap.
  • Contacting a Professional- The best way to trap beavers on your property is to contact a professional. Catching beavers is not always easy, and they will become defensive if they feel threatened. Thankfully, companies like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers can safely trap and relocate beavers into their natural habitat.

Since some people sell beaver pelts and beaver castor, laws have been put into place to protect the animals. When you work with a professional beaver removal company, you never have to worry about laws being broken during the process.

How to Prevent Beavers From Coming Onto Your Property

If you are worried about your property being damaged by beavers, you might be wondering how to deter them from your yard. The best way to do so would be to install fencing that prevents them from accessing water features or trees found on your property.

The easiest ways to prevent beavers from coming onto your property include:

  • Modifying the environment- You might want to reconsider water features that may attract beavers. If you have a flowing stream, alter the flow to make it less appealing to beavers.
  • Placing fencing around trees- Beavers are not good at climbing, which means you can install 3 to 4-foot fencing around your trees to prevent beavers from messing with them.
  • Creating DIY trunk guards- If you do not want to fence, you could create trunk guards for each of your trees. You can either use galvanized welded wire or finer-mesh screening.
  • Using paint and sand- Some people have had success with coating the base of their trees with a mixture of Mason’s sand and exterior latex paint. This deters beavers because of the abrasive quality of the mixture.
  • Trying repellent- While they might not be as effective as other methods, you can always try either sound or smell deterrents to prevent beaver-related issues.

If you have a beaver problem, do not hesitate to contact professional help. A wildlife removal company will use a humane and ethical approach to removing beavers from your land, keeping you and the environment safe at the same time.

Contact a Professional Beaver Removal Company

At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we help our clients with a wide variety of nuisance animal issues. If beavers are beginning to hinder your life at home, we can help you trap and remove them.

Contact us today for more information on our beaver removal services.

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