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Bats are an annoyance for any homeowner. Those who are forced to deal with them quickly begin searching for viable bat removal techniques.

These winged mammals have a knack for causing structural damage to our homes. They leave rub marks from their body oils and make flapping and scraping sounds in our attics.

However, did you know that bats can also cause a wide variety of diseases?

For instance, rabies can result from bat bites. Aside from rabies, one of the most common ailments associated with bats is Histoplasmosis, a lung disease that results from inhaling certain pores that grow inside of bat droppings.

But what are the best ways to get rid of these nuisance animals and avoid having to deal with these issues moving forward?

In actuality, there are few ways to do so, but one particular method reigns supreme. Keep reading if you want to learn about the best bat removal techniques.

Aluminum Foil and Mirrors

While it seems strange, aluminum foil and mirrors can serve as useful methods for driving bats away from the entry points of your home.

The sounds foil makes in the wind will serve as a deterrent. However, an ever bigger deterrent are the reflective capabilities of foil and mirrors.

Bats communicate through echolocation, which means that they rely on their environment to navigate.

Aluminum foil and mirrors serve as reflective devices that can affect both light and sound. Therefore, this may interfere with the echolocation capabilities of bats.


Chances are that you have a few mothballs, or naphthalene balls, laying around the house. If you do not, then you can find some at your local supermarket.

Put some in cloth and hang them around your home. This will serve as a repellent for the bats.

Mylar Balloons

You can use mylar balloons as a way to keep bats away from your home. As these balloons wave around in the wind, bats will be very hesitant to get near them. Ideally, you want to place them near key points of entry.

Exclusion Devices: The Best Technique for Indoor Bat Removal

The most effective method for indoor bat removal is exclusion.

What this method entails is basically using a one-way door to allow bats to leave your home but never come back in.

The first thing you want to do is seal off everything but the main exit point of your home. This will prevent the bats from finding alternative routes inside your house.

Start by checking for any openings on the outside of your home. Specifically, pay attention to any small cracks that seem invisible to the naked eye. Also, check the roof and make sure there are no openings in the eaves.

Next, investigate the inside of your home. Conduct a full inspection on your attic, but make sure you wear goggles and gloves when you do so. Finally, Make sure bats are not entering through your chimney or air conditioning vent either.

Once you have your house sealed off, it is time for the exclusion. You can often find exclusion devices at pet and home improvement stores, or you can make your own if you are looking for a useful DIY project.

Keep in mind that the bats are unlikely to leave your home until nighttime. Bats are nocturnal creatures, which means the hunt for food (insects) at night.

If you notice that the bats are apprehensive about using the exclusion device to escape, you may need to make some minor adjustments.

How to Solve Your Outdoor Bat Issue

Bat infestations are not limited to the inside of your home. Often times, bats can hang around your property and serve as a nuisance to your family and pets. There are several ways you can address your outdoor bat issue.

Look for Standing Water

Check to see if there are any ponds near your home, as this can serve. If you cannot completely remove the pond, you can drape a net over it. This will prevent the bats from accessing it properly

Get Rid of Dead Trees

Dead trees can serve as a haven for bats. You want to make sure that there is no dry wood near your home. If there is, cut them up and throw them out so you can drive the bats away from your home.

Address Your Insect Issue

Insects are the source of food for bats. If you notice an abundance of bats near your property, make sure you check for insects first. Once you get rid of the insects, the bats will have to go elsewhere to find sustenance.

Do Not Attempt to Kill or Trap Bats

Read up on the laws and regulations in your state. In Florida, for example, it is illegal to willfully trap or kill bats, as they are protected under wildlife laws.

Aside from the laws, killing bats is a bad idea for other reasons as well. The last thing you want in your attic is a pile of rotting bat corpses. This can lead to even more health risks.

Trapping is also dangerous, as going toe to toe with a bat can result in a bit. This could lead to rabies.

The Importance of Bat Removal

Bats tend to breed during the springtime when temperatures are warmer.

Although female bats only give birth to one baby at a time, they can reproduce up to three times every mating season. Additionally, bats have an average lifespan of 20 years but can live up to a whopping 30 years given the right set of circumstances.

Therefore, if you have a bat infestation in your home, waiting around for them to leave is not the best course of action. If you are complacent, you will likely end up with a much bigger bat colony than you have right now.

Try using the techniques described in this article to rid your home of bats.

However, you do not have to drive the bats away on your own. If you are dealing with a severe bat infestation on your property, do not hesitate to contact a bat control expert. A trained professional will have the proper tools to manage your bat issue.

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