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Frog Removal

Get Rid of Frogs through Professional Assistance

By September 14, 2017No Comments

The need to get rid of frogs when they make a habitat in your home is inevitable, this is because these frogs, if not dealt with promptly, can be the cause of great distress in your home or garden and are sure to make it look very unpleasant.

How to Get Rid of Frogs in Yard

Frogs in our yard will breed in those areas that are damp and have a lot of vegetation growing in it. Therefore as a measure to help you get rid of frogs, you will need to clear away all bushes around your home and at the same time drain away all stagnant waters. Draining stagnant water has very many benefits for you, it helps to get rid of tadpoles that eventually grow into frogs and it also gets rid of mosquito larvae that provide feed to these frogs. Use of a pump is recommended to drain stagnant water.

How to Get Rid of Frogs in the Swimming Pool

Many home owners find it hard to get rid of frogs in the swimming pool since a swimming pool provides a frog with the right conditions for it to thrive in. However it can be done easily, frogs are known to get burnt when they come into contact with salt and therefore adding salt to the pool water will help you get rid of the frog problem in your swimming pool. The pools can also be secured by use of wire mesh which should be high enough to prevent against the jumping of the frogs. It should also start from the ground so that the frogs do not creep beneath it.

How to Get Rid of Frogs in the House

Frogs, when they find their way into our houses, can cause a lot of terror to our young ones. Despite this terror alone, it’s also important to note that failure to get rid of frogs when they get into the house can pose a health risk to humans and pets if the frogs are poisonous. In order to get rid of a frog in the house, it is advisable to that you use a sweeping net to catch the frog. In the absence of a sweeping net, a bucket or carton box can work just fine.

How to Stop Frogs from Croaking

Frogs produce these croaking sounds to attract breeding mates or to warn other males against stepping foot into their territories. These croaking sounds can cause you sleepless nights if they are not stopped and the only way to stop them is by getting rid of the frogs. Use of predators such as cats and snakes will help you to get rid of the frogs in just a short time. However, one should do some research on the species of frogs that are in their yard before seeking to buy a natural predator such as a cat to deal with them.

Here at the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we are a professional frog removal company that is dedicated to helping our clients get rid of frogs.

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