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Iguana Removal

Iguana Control Service – What to Expect from the Professionals

By August 24, 2017No Comments

Iguanas have invaded Florida due to its warm tropical climate that enables the growth of vegetation that is necessary for the survival of these herbivorous reptiles.  The iguanas have gone on to wreak havoc in many of the homes and gardens and thus the need to have professional iguana control service.

How to Get Rid of Iguanas in the Garden

Iguanas once noted in our gardens need to be gotten rid of as soon as possible as this will enable us to avoid incurring the cost of hiring professional iguana control service. Iguanas can best be gotten rid of by making the environment hostile for them to stay in. This can be done by the filling up of iguana burrows, growing of iguana repellent plants like milkweed and through the use of dangling compact discs that make them feel uncomfortable. Once gotten rid of the iguanas need to be prevented from accessing the premises once again by blocking all entrance paths into the garden.

Iguana Repellent

There exist in the market many firms that sell products that they refer to as iguana repellents. Before purchasing any of these, it is important that you get advice from a professional iguana control service provider such as us at the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. Our advice is that the home owners should desist from buying the iguana repellents as they are ineffective in the long run, the best way of controlling iguanas is to ensure that they do not find a way of getting into your home or garden. Make it impossible for them to thrive in your environment and this will be effective in controlling them in the long run rather than using iguana repellents.

In many of the pesticide stores in and around Florida, one will find products that are marketed as iguana poison and are reviewed as efficient in killing the iguanas. However, it is important that you be advised by our expert iguana control service providers that it is illegal to kill an iguana in Florida. The only legally accepted method of euthanizing an iguana in Florida is by deep freezing. It is advisable that if you lack the means of euthanizing an iguana, then you contact a professional company to help you out with the process.

Iguana Control Service Near Me

Iguana control services in Florida can be accessed from our company, the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. We provide excellent iguana control service that can be matched by none other in the existing market in Florida.  We have a qualified team of experts that is charged specifically with the mandate of handling iguana problems whenever our services are sought by any client. The prices that we charge also ensure that you as a client get value for your money. We can be reached at any time of the day.

Our company, the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers has a vast experience of four years specializing in iguana removal here in Florida. As such we are the number one go to firm for anyone that may be seeking iguana removal services.

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