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Rat Removal

How to Undertake Rat Extermination Tampa FL

By April 12, 2017August 8th, 2019No Comments

Before you reach for your phone and look for a rat exterminator, you want to try getting rid of the rats in your house on your own. Rat extermination Tampa FL does not have to be a tall order. If you have conducted your research well and have the necessary tools, you can successfully exterminate the rats from your home. All you have to do is follow a simple process.

Inspect Your Home for Rats in Tampa

If you have spotted a rat or two but are not certain that you have a rat problem, inspect your home. Look at the floor to see if there are any claw marks, food crumbs, fecal matter, and urine. If you spot any of this or find shredded paper, then you have a rat problem and need to move to the next step. The other thing that you need to inspect is the holes, cracks, and crevices in your home. These could be the rats’ hiding place or even entry point.

Roof Rats Florida

Before you can start on rat extermination Tampa FL, you need to seal off all entry and exit points. For rats, these are any holes or vents that are more than half an inch in size. Rats can crawl through vents and other ventilation spaces. Seal these access points off with a mesh that is much smaller. This will prevent other rats from coming in. It will also prevent the rats in the house from getting out and evading capture.

Rat Extermination Tampa FL

You may now set your live traps in the areas where there is a lot of rat activity. The traps may not catch the rats immediately. Keep checking whether the rats have been caught every few days. You can then free the rats in the wild and reset the live traps until all the rodents in your home have been captured and removed.

Animal Removal Tampa

If you fail to get the rats out yourself, you can escalate the problem and bring in experts in rat extermination Tampa FL. These experts know where rats like to hide and how to get them out of hiding. They are also skilled in capturing the rats in humane ways such as through live traps.

Rodent Removal Cost

Rat removal can be frustrating if you do not know what to look for and how to find it. The other challenge occurs when you cannot trace where the rats are. This is why it is important to get a professional. A professional will ensure that the job is done to the letter.

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