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Coyote Removal, Fox Removal and Coyote Control is handled throughout Central Florida including Tampa, Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Port St. Lucie and the surrounding areas by Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. Since urban areas continue to grow, this leads to forests that wild animals live in being reduced and they end up on or in your homes property.


We understand the complexities of dealing with these animals and can provide you with the best solutions.

    We’re Just One Phone Call Away!


    Coyotes are carnivores, which means they eat meat and have been known to kill sheep, chickens, and other livestock. Many customers that have seen Coyotes on their property express a concern for their household pets and small children. Coyotes commonly stay away from humans but there is always concern with any wild animal, especially Coyotes, that makes their way onto your property.

    In many situations, when the Coyotes food source is removed (bringing pets and their food inside) then the Coyote will move on. However, in some cases, the Coyote will stay in hopes that their food will return and can be difficult to remove.

    We specialize in Coyote Removal, Coyote Trapping, and complete Coyote Control solutions.


    How To Get Rid Of Frogs?

    Frogs are a greater nuisance than most people expect. These amphibians make loud noises at night, which can keep you up and disrupt your sleep cycle.

    Frogs can also be dangerous. Like many wild animals, these amphibians carry diseases like salmonella which can harm you and your household. Certain frog species are also poisonous, so you should keep your distance from any brightly colored ones. To make matters worse, frogs attract snakes who naturally hunt these amphibians.

    Thankfully, you can follow some simple steps to get rid of frogs.

    Frog Trapping

    There are some areas where it is illegal to handle or kill Frogs so it is always recommended that you consult with your local Fish and Wildlife authorities or your local professional wildlife removal company, such as Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. Some species it is even illegal to release them after you have caught them.


    The best way to get rid of frogs is to stop them from entering your home in the first place. You can do this by installing a fine mesh fence around your lawn. Frogs can’t make their way through these fences, so they will give up and move elsewhere.


    Frogs rely on cover when entering your home. They want to avoid attracting unwanted attention, so they hide in piles of debris or in tall grass. This heavily obscures them, and it prevents people from noticing these amphibians.


    Frogs have very sensitive skin, and they react to even the subtlest changes in their environment. This means you can easily repel the animals by using simple home remedies. Common frog repellents include:

    Vinegar: A one-to-one ratio of vinegar to water is an excellent frog repellent. The vinegar’s acidity irritates their skin, so you can spray it around your home so it’s uncomfortable for the frogs to walk near your house.
    Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds are ever-so-slightly acidic, which can irritate frogs like vinegar. Pour some coffee grounds around your home to both irritate frogs and help your plants grow.
    Salt Water: Unlike most animals, frogs “drink” water by absorbing it through their skin. That’s why you can spray salt water around your home to dehydrate them. This forces the frogs to flee in search of a better environment.


    It’s commonly known that flies and mosquitoes are attracted to bright lights. It’s also well-known that frogs like to eat flying insects. So it’s easy to see how bright lights will indirectly attract hungry frogs to your home. You can stop this from happening by simply turning off outdoor lights once the sun begins to set. This gets rid of the bugs, which removes the frogs’ food source. Without food, frogs will leave on their own.


    Preventing and removing frogs is a very difficult process, as the amphibians are small and slippery. Many frog species are endangered and protected by law, so you are limited in how you can remove them. That’s why you should call professionals to handle your frog problem. They are familiar with local laws and have all the necessary permits to safely remove these amphibians from your home. They will also save you plenty of time and effort, so you can focus on the things that matter most to you.

    How To Remove Coyotes From Under Sheds

    When dealing with an animal as big as a coyote and potentially dangerous with sharp fangs and killer instinct, you have to be extremely careful. A coyote in your home can be potentially dangerous to pets and kids, and it’s important to quickly get them out as soon as possible. Since coyotes are carnivorous animals, they have renowned fighting and killing skills. They kill and eat other animals to survive. Coyotes are known to kill and eat rodents including rabbits, groundhogs, moles, chickens, birds, frogs, lizards, etc. They can also kill sheep and other livestock.


      Some FAQ's

      Coyotes are nocturnal animals and move around only under the cover of darkness. Like any other animals, coyotes are attracted to places where there is an abundance of food. So the first step towards ensuring that these animals don’t stay on your property is to ensure that they have nothing to feed on. Since coyotes have a taste for rodents, make sure that you have nothing in your yard to attract or keep rodents around. Here are 3 tips to keeping coyotes away from your property.

      Controlling the population of rodents will keep a lot of animals away from your property, especially those that feed on rodents like snakes, coyotes, etc. And to do that, you have to make sure that your lawn is always trimmed and tidy. If you have a garden, endeavor to keep it tidy, ensure that there are no rotting fruits and vegetables littered around. Keep pet food in rodent-proof containers and place bird feeders in strategic positions to ensure that they are completely out of reach for squirrels, rats, and mice.

      If animals can easily take your trash and rummage it for food, you will never have an animal-free house. It’s that simple. Many animals are nocturnal, and while we go to sleep at night, they come out with their hungry eyes and empty bellies to hunt. If your garbage can is out there for them to rummage, then they will never stop coming. Trash cans with secure lid and lock systems are excellent for preventing animals from gaining access to your trash. Find a good animal-proof garbage can and watch how animals will leave your property alone. If they can’t find it on your property, they won’t return it. Alternatively, you can opt to take your trash indoors every night.

      Do Coyotes Attack Humans?

      Despite being renowned hunters, coyotes do not attack humans. They are timid animals and will only go after the small prey that makes up their menu. Coyotes prefer to stay away from humans, even when they are camping on your property. You would hardly encounter these animals because they only come out to hunt at night. Despite their avoidance of humans. It’s also best not to have them on your property or anywhere around your home, especially if you have small pets such as a lapdog or a small cat.

      Get Professional Help!

      The truth remains that the safest and easiest way to deal with nuisance wildlife is by inviting seasoned professionals like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers to handle the problem. We really can’t say this enough! Hiring a professional to get rid of a coyote or a group of coyotes under your shed is always the best course of action. DIY animal removal methods are very risky, besides being exposed to dangerous and erratic animals, if anything goes wrong, you or your family can sustain a serious injury or contract a deadly disease.

      Trapping a Coyote can be a complicated task and should be handled by a professional wildlife removal company, such as Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. Our Wildlife Experts have special bait that entices the Coyote to enter the trap. Once the animal is caught, it is handled humanely.

      Coyotes can be dangerous animals, and they pose a risk to your pets and children. If you ever spot any of these wild creatures near your home, you should quickly take precautions to keep them away.

      Here are some approaches you could use to protect yourself and your family from coyotes.


      One simple approach to keep coyotes away is to use repellents. These are items that disturb the animal’s senses and make them avoid your home.

      These can be olfactory (smell) repellents like wolf urine, ammonia, moth balls, and vinegar. These create strong smells that either irritate the animal, or convince them that a more dangerous animal is nearby. Repellents like these are sometimes enough to convince coyotes to stay away.

      You could also have visual repellents like motion-detecting light systems and sprinklers. These turn on when coyotes get close, so the sudden movement can scare them and get them to leave.

      These options may seem like a great idea, but repellents are not effective in the long-term. Eventually, some coyotes will get used to these repellents and will make their way to your home anyway.


      Food is the reason that coyotes are so interested in entering your yard. By removing the food, you give them one less reason to enter.

      You can start by securing your garbage cans. Make sure the lid is always fastened, to block the scent from getting out and attracting wild animals. If possible, store your garbage indoors to further reduce the scent that escapes.

      You should also bring all pet food indoors. Not only does the food attract coyotes, but it also puts your pets in danger. Coyotes are wild predators, and your small pets would be their prey. By keeping your pet and their food indoors, you can both protect them and prevent coyotes.

      Avoid feeding wild animals. This includes birdfeeders. Not only does the food attract coyotes, but the presence of other wild animals can draw their attention.

      By following these steps and removing food from your home, coyotes will be less interested in entering your yard.


      Coyotes may be predators, but they like to remain hidden for as long as possible. It gives them a way to stalk their prey while staying safe. If you can find and remove these hiding spots, coyotes will keep their distance.

      You can start by trimming nearby shrubs and plants. Excessive foliage offers a great hiding spot to wild animals like coyotes. By regularly trimming nearby plants, you can make it harder for these wild animals to enter your home unseen.

      Mow tall grass. Just like shrubs, tall grass offers a great hiding spot. That’s why you should regularly mow your lawn to keep wild animals at bay.


      The best way to keep coyotes out of your lawn is to install a fence. These animals are incredibly mobile, so you need to be careful with the type of fence you install.

      Make sure the fence is at least 7-foot tall. Coyotes are excellent jumpers and climbers. You need the fence to be this tall to prevent them from easily passing over it.

      Coyotes are also incredibly good diggers, so your fence should extend 1-foot underground. This creates a barrier that these animals can’t dig under.

      The type of fence also matters. Ensure the fence is smooth, so the animals have nothing to grasp and climb with. Something like a chain-link fence, for example, is a bad option because coyotes could easily scale it.

      Finally add attachments to the top to make it even harder to climb. These attachments might be angled outwards, they could be barbed wire, or they could be a roller. This is entirely optional, but can be incredibly effective.


      Coyotes are dangerous animals, so you should call a professional to handle the problem. We here at Nuisance Wildlife Rangers offer our services to all residents of Southern Florida, so be sure to contact us if you live in the area. Just call (877) 741-7703 and schedule our services today!

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