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We Offer Rat Trapping, Rat Control, & Rat Extermination! Call To Find Out How to Get Rid Of Rats In Your House Today!


Remember that getting rid of rats in your home requires a lot of determination. Carrying out effective measures goes a long way in minimizing rat population. Once you deny these rodents sustenance obviously they can’t come to your home. Experts advise that you wear protective gear when handling rat removal strategies. No matter the kind of rat infestation you have you need to act fast when it comes to rat removal.

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Time is of the essence and every minute counts. You do not want these rodents taking control of your house with all the uncontrollable damage they cause. It may start with just one rat but it can grow into a family of rats that you are not in a position to handle on your own. With all these information in mind, it is obvious that once you detect you have a rat problem you should not ignore it. The minute you see the slightest signs of rats living in your home take immediate action before the problem grows to a point of no control.


    Rat Exterminator Near Me

    Rodents are common throughout the United States and all areas of Florida. These pests can be found on every continent except Antarctica. The most common types of rodents found throughout Florida are Rats, Mice, and Squirrels. The most common rodents found in South Florida are Norway Rats, Roof Rats, and the common house mouse. Our rat control experts of Nuisance Wildlife Rangers provide complete services to resolve all types of rodent problems.

    Rat removal can prove to be really frustrating. It can be an uphill battle trying to contain the frustrating situation caused by rats in the first place. In the past, some of the traditional methods used have been proved unsafe and inhumane. Nuisance Wildlife Rangers has a team of experts who will safely remove the rodents from your home. Rats are dangerous and you do not want to try to remove by yourself. We are the experts and you can be sure that when you hire us, we will ensure that we keep rats out for good.

    rat removal

    Damage that Rats do to your home or building

    Rats are some of the most widely hated animals out there. These rodents are symbols for filth and carry more than their fair share of dangerous diseases, like the plague. Yet disease isn’t the only thing to watch out for when it comes to rats, as a rat in your home can spell plenty of trouble. Here are some of the most common problems you’ll have to deal with if you find rats in your home.

    Ruined Personal Items

    These filthy pests are notorious for ruining all the items you have lying around your home. With complete disregard for you, rats will prance around your home and chew on any little thing they find. That towel you left to dry? Chewed up and destroyed. The warm, fuzzy blanket you had in your storage for winter? Ripped to pieces. That one book you’ve reread more than any other and have had for ages? Gone. They’ll find anything lying around and will rip, chew, and tear it to pieces before taking the scraps back to their nests

    Gnawed Furniture

    If having your favorite things ruined wasn’t enough to boil your blood, they’ve got more in store for you. Much like squirrels, rats have teeth that never really stop growing. That’s why they constantly chew on stuff to help keep their teeth strong and in shape. How do they do that? They just gnaw through your furniture. They’re particularly fond of wooden furniture, so you’ll slowly see bite marks appearing on your things until the damage is too great and it just collapses in on itself, costing who knows how much to get it fixed or replaced.

    Ruined Wires

    If you’ve ever had a hamster or some other rodent as a pet, you’ll probably know how much damage they can do to wires. Much like wood, the rubber insulation around a wire makes for an excellent chew toy and really helps them keep their teeth in shape. The problem, however, is that you’ll start seeing some of your electronics die as their crucial wiring is destroyed. Worse yet, exposed wires can even shock and electrocute you, your family, and your pets if you aren’t careful. Not only that, but rats could destroy your entire home because of the fire risks these exposed wires pose.

    Ripped Insulation

    Fire isn’t the only way they mess with the temperature of your home though, as these pesky rodents are notorious for ripping through the insulation in walls and attics before carrying it back to build their nests. This makes it easier for warmth to escape your home in the winter, forcing you to leave your furnace on for longer, which ends up increasing your heating bill.

    Broken Pipes

    If you thought that was the end of it, then I have bad news for you. The pipes in and around your home are another target for rats. Not only do they have insulation around them that the rats could use, but they even have a hard outer coating for the rats to chew on. Rats will happily take the pipe insulation back to their nests, leaving your water pipes exposed to the elements during winter. This in turn makes the water inside freeze up which then bursts the pipe. This is even aided by the rats chewing the pipe’s coating and weakening it so it bursts sooner. Once that happens, you’ll be looking at a leak or some flooding, which could cause immeasurable amounts of damage to your home and its structural integrity.

    We’re Just One Phone Call Away!

    The most common type of rodent situations of South Florida is rats in the attic and rats in the crawlspaces. These types of rodent problems make up the majority of rat calls received in South Florida each year.


      Some FAQ's

      There is really nowhere to start in unraveling the menace that is rats. They are known to spread at least sixty known communicable diseases to humans. Rats carry parasites and diseases. Some of the diseases include Hantavirus, Listeria, Rat-bite fever and salmonellosis. To put things in perspective, Rats were the carriers of the fleas that led to the bubonic plague in Europe in the dark ages. This particular plague wiped out about sixty percent of the European population at that time.

      They are not very healthy creatures so we must always aim for separate residency with them. Their intrusive nature where they are known to bite people when asleep is also more reason to ensure you don’t live with these rather foul creatures. Rats teeth grow perpetually. They gnaw at all manner of things from furniture to electrical wires. This will leave your furniture looking terrible. Gnawing at wires leaves electrical wires exposed. This is known to cause many house fires in the United States.

      Rats are among the more likely animals to enter your attic. The roof rat is the most likely rat to enter your attic. Rats and mice are commensal rodents. This means that they prefer to live with people and are actually more like people than they are like other animals who live in the wild. For this reason, you will find that rats are more common in cities than they are in the wild. Rats aren’t very social creatures at the same time so they will hide in walls and vents and attics.

      Removing rats from attics can be a delicate procedure. The first thing to do is do a thorough inspection of your attic. This may also include doing a thorough inspection of your entire house. You may also have house rats which will dwell everywhere. This may be tiring and the best thing to do is call an expert who will do this for you. So you don’t miss anything. The next thing to do is seal up all entry points into your house and with material that rats can’t chew through. Once this is done, the expert will set traps for them. The final process is usually getting rid of the trapped rats.

      It is much wiser and encouraged to practice rat exclusion than it is to poison rats. Most of the poisons that people use aren’t good for us or the environment. Cases where poisoning a pest has gone badly for the one issuing the poison are many. Rats are mammals and the possibility that the poison you use on them is also harmful to you is pretty high. Additionally, Poison doesn’t work immediately.

      This gives the rat an opportunity to return to its hiding place and die there. This means you’ll have to deal with a foul smell coupled with the risk of other infections coming from the decomposing rat and as well the very same poison you used. A dead rat also attracts the bluebottle fly which lays its eggs on dead animals. Keeping poisons in your house is also an unhealthy practice as it puts young ones and other unsuspecting at risk.

      This is one of the most frequently asked questions by those who would rather use simple DIY tricks to get rid of rats. The truth is simply no. Mothballs are advertised to repel many animals but this is just a waste of money. Many people have bought this product only to be extremely disappointed. Mothballs use naphthalene to repel animals. It is a nasty smelling compound. Many studies have shown that rats remain very unbothered by this compound. Some would walk over the balls as though unnoticed.

      Even if the rats would be bothered by the smell, having the balls around would bother you more than it would them. This is because they would simply shift their nest to another part of your house that does not have mothballs. The amount of mothballs required to chase rats away is just as much as needed to keep humans away. It is essential to avoid using such ineffective methods of rat control. Use methods that actually work such as calling Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, your reliable rat control expert.

      Eliminating Garden Rats

      Rats can colonize your garden. Some rat species prefer to live in hollows in the ground and as discussed, you don’t want a rat colony in your compound. They are likely to attract other predators such as snakes which can cause even more damage to your health. To prevent rats from making a home in your yards, ensure you have a clean yard. Remove all clutter such as haystacks that you never use, stacks of timber and any other items that appear to make a good nesting place for rats.

      Keeping your grass well-trimmed also protects you from rats. This is because they will be unable to hide in short well-manicured grass. If you have an existing rat problem, there are two methods you might want to consider. People usually opt for mechanical trapping or poisoning. Trapping and exclusion is the best way because it averts the risk of killing other species. It also protects kids from innocently consuming the poison.

      Why Should You Hire An Expert For Rat Removal

      Many homes throughout the South Florida area are built on concrete slabs; however, there are some homes such as townhouses, condos and still homes that do have crawlspaces. A crawlspace is an area beneath your floor and ground. Often time’s rats will populate these areas in an attempt to find safe harborage. Rats and mice find crawlspaces an ideal place to live. It is a safe place from predators and keeps them out of the weather’s elements.

      This is all methods that ensure that rats cannot in any way get into your compound or house. It ensures that an invasion cannot happen. You can start by repairing all the holes in your compound. Rats can creep in through very small holes into our buildings. If you want to prevent rats, start with doing simple repairs around your house. Sealing holes in the yard also help. Burrow rats will hide in the dirt so filling these holes with sand will make your yard less appealing to them.

      Using high gloss paints is also a good idea. This is because it will give the rats a hard time climbing up walls and getting into your house. Being mindful and acting at once when you see a rat also keeps them from encroaching. Spray your compound with rat repellent. Keeping your house extremely clean and your garbage disposed of in tight bags is also very important.

      When it comes to getting rid of rats, you might want to consider bringing in another furry animal who is at least a friend. Employ cats. They have a long history of symbiotic living with human beings. They are natural enemies with rats and for this reason, provide a safe biological means to deter rats. The city of Chicago has been known to employ cats in different stations to kill rats. There are many cats without homes and if you really need a safer way to deal with rats, adopt that kitty at the shelter without someone to love.

      Cats also come with many advantages. Did you know the purring of a cat against you can heal diseases? Well, keep that in mind if you’re considering a better effective rat removal method. Other than chase and eat rats, cat feces serve as rat deterrents. Rats smelling cat feces will relocate fearing this natural predator. This is among the best methods to consider to control rats in your home.

      Sometimes when these little baggers settle in with us, we may not really know it until they’ve totally overrun us. There are some telling signs that you may have a rat infestation, however. Rat droppings are the first. Rat droppings are usually grain like and hard. They will sound like sand and they are usually numerous. Rats are shameless shitters and will have their droppings everywhere including in your kitchen where they feast on your food. These are good places to check especially if you are spotless cleaner.

      You will definitely then see them. The little ones at least. Small rats will crisscross across your floor often with a particular route they follow. You may check for signs of a route. They also gnaw at everything. Check if your cushions have been eaten away. Small circular holes are usually a good indication of the presence of rats. Rats will also eat your clothing leaving the same marks they leave on cushions. Another sign of a rat presence is squeaking. Rats are squeaking animals and small squeaks are a good sign.

      Traps For Removal

      It is not in all of our disposition to have the heart to kill rats. Thankfully and to science, there are a number of alternative methods that can and will work for you. Here is also where trapping rats come in. You may need to consult your expert for this. There are many kinds of traps such as snap trap that lure the rats with bait then when pressed, snap and kill the rat. The best thing about traps is that you will often get alerted due to the movements of the closing mechanisms.

      Depending on the kind of rat infestation that afflicts you, you should consider a trapping mechanism that is apt to this task. Some of them have the ability to trap as many as ten rats. The more expensive trap is an electric one which lures rats in with some food as bait then shuts and immediately activates an electric pulse that kills the rats. It should b noted that rats are a rather enduring species, with the ability to resuscitate themselves after an electric buzz through their hearts.

      These are an easy way to get rid of rats and never have to do any real work, right? Well, think again. There use of poison deterrents is linked with many frightful dangers. It is for these dangers that you should strongly avoid considering the use of these. However, if it is really bad, you should know how to use these effectively. First, you should buy a poison that is not strong enough to affect a human in a considerably fatal manner.

      You should as well, ensure you lock up all food particulates so that the rat only has access to the poisoned food. Ensure the water sources are as well out of reach for them. Place your poisons in places that are out of reach from unsuspecting kids and our pets. Such places would include behind the fridge and up the attic. It is impossible to exhaust how much poisons can work against you.

      Poison does not immediately work. It takes a while giving the rat some time to escape back to its hole. This essentially means your house will stink if you cannot get hold of the rat. This attracts predators into your home and as well as flies. Rat removal is undoubtedly an essential service in America today.

      Rats have really settled into our homes. For most of us, living with rats does not really fit into our idea of healthy living. Investing in a reliable partner for your home and estate is a definitely the best way to go now. Let rat removal be an easy task for you by employing Nuisance Wildlife Rangers for all your animal control matters. There is no regretting these guys. If you are experiencing problems with rodent infestations, rats or mice in attics, dead rat in the wall or need any other type of rat removal service contact our office today. Rest assured we can solve all types of rat and mice problems and eliminate your pest problem today!

      If you have been hearing unusual noises coming from the ceiling, attic or inside the walls, you may have a rat problem. Rats are generally attracted to places and areas with an abundance of food and water, therefore remove any water supplies, such as faulty pipes, and bird feeders, as well as any other food sources.

      Roof rats can get inside the house through a half-inch hole. They eat their way through access holes, gaps in the roof, and cracks and crevices as well.

      Roof rats like to be in high areas, so you’ll probably see them climbing on tree branches, or in people’s attics.

      Roof rats can be deterred from entering your home with some basic gardening. For example, cut down tree branches near your home, and ensure that there are no shrubs or tree branches within at least 3 feet from your roof. Trim branches and remove vines or plants that are growing against or near the house. Reduce the number of bushes around your home to prevent rats from using them as shelter.

      Here are expert tips from Nuisance Wildlife Rangers to help prevent rats from getting into your home and roof.

      • Fill up any cracks or gaps around the house that are 0.25 in or larger with caulk.
      • Check for openings underneath sinks, near washers, dryers, dishwashers, hot water heaters, and block entryways.
      • Cover the chimney with a cap or screen.
      • When leaving your house, always close the doors.
      • Ensure that all window screens are in proper working order.
      • Make certain that all trash cans have tight-fitting covers.
      • Cover roof vents and attic ventilators with screens.
      • Remove trash and debris on a regular basis.
      • Give your pet no more food than they can consume in a single day, and store their foods in metal containers with lids.
      • Cereals and other dry goods should be stored in airtight containers.


      You cannot completely get rid of rats by blocking holes and eliminating food sources, the rats have to be trapped and removed. And thankfully, there are many rat traps available in both online and offline stores. There is the snap trap, glue board, electronic mousetrap, etc.

      Snap traps may appear to be an antiquated method of catching rats, but they are still quite efficient. The rat is killed by a metal bar that snaps down on the trap. Because each trap kills one rat, you’ll need to set multiple traps to reduce rat populations dramatically. They’re reusable and non-toxic, and they can be used both inside and outside. When placing a snap trap in a home with children or pets, you have to be very cautious because they close with a lot of power.

      Glue boards are less lethal than snap traps. They are really just thick boards with powerful adhesives that keep the rats glued to the board. They also work well too. Another option is the electronic traps, which are also non-toxic and humane.

      The rat is killed with a high-voltage shock in these traps. Electronic traps are reusable, come with a flashing light to indicate a kill, and are completely safe to use around children and pets.

      Electronic rat traps come in a range of designs, and they’re simple to bait and place, plus the carcass is quick to dispose of.

      Some of these traps use 8,000 volts to zap rats, and once a kill is made, you’ll be notified of a kill by a flashing indicator light. Electronic traps use cell batteries, and one set of batteries will effectively kill more than 50 rats.


      Baiting is an essential part of trapping, and it’s simple to attract these pests with the correct bait. Bait block and grain bait are two examples of rat poison that are efficient against roof rats.

      After you’ve determined the areas in the roof where rats are most active, carefully set the bait. You can easily attach bait blocks to rods and use them in rat bait boxes. Roof rats love chewing and will chew through the sachet to consume the poison, so grain bait is also a good choice.

      Because roof rats have a different diet than other rats, you can use any of the following items as bait: dried fruit, berries, nuts, nut butter, and so on.

      Rats are typically afraid of new food sources that appear in their environment. You can trick them into accepting food from the trap by baiting it for the first few days without setting it. If the rats learn to accept the trap as a safe and reliable food supply, it then becomes much easier to catch them.

      rat removal

      How To Remove Rats From The Car?

      Rats sometimes find their way into a person’s car, which can be extremely dangerous. Not only do rats carry plenty of dangerous diseases, but they might chew through important wires in your car. This leads to thousands of dollars worth of damage, makes it harder to control the vehicle, and can even lead to car crashes.

      That’s why you should quickly work to remove these rodents before they cause too much trouble.

      Removing Rats

      There are different ways you could remove rats from your car. Some of these are more effective than others, and you are advised to always call a professional to save yourself some time and effort.


      Traps are the most effective way of removing rats from any area, including cars. There are several choices available.

      • Snap traps are one of the cheapest and best options. They quickly kill the rat and can be reused.
      • Glue traps are considered inhumane as they prevent the rat from moving and slowly starve it to death. They can also only be used once.
      • Live traps can be used to capture and then release the rats away from your home, but they can be more costly.
      • Electric traps are expensive, but they are guaranteed to kill the rat with a quick shock, so the animal doesn’t suffer.


      Rats spend most of their time in darkness, by exposing them to light you can make them uncomfortable enough to leave. There are a few ways you can go about this:

      1. Leave the hood up. This lets light into the engine and can force the rodents to flee.
      2. Park in a lit garage. Leaving the lights on in your garage is another fantastic way to expose the rodents to light.

      Keep in mind that this only causes a nuisance to the animals, and it is usually not enough on its own.


      Rats and other rodents have an acute sense of smell. You can use this against them by placing strong-smelling objects in the car.

      Peppermint oil is one of the most recommended items, as the strong smell irritates rodents. They are sometimes sold as car-safe rat repellents, so they are an excellent choice. Other options include predator urine and cat litter.

      Like lights, repellents are not guaranteed to work, especially if the rats have access to lots of food in the car.


      If you have a cat, you might be tempted to use them to get rid of the rodents. This can sometimes be effective, but it also has a few drawbacks.

      By using your pet, you are exposing them to a diseased animal who might also fight back. If your pet is in your car, they may be injured or killed if you decide to drive without getting them out of the way.


      Some people like to use poison to remove rats, but this is not advised. Poison can harm your children and pets. Even if it works, the dead rodents will give off a terrible smell that will attract other animals.

      Preventing Rats

      Prevention is always the best approach when it comes to nuisance wildlife. This gets rid of the source of the problem and stops future infestations.

      • Park Indoors

      If you’re concerned about rats getting into your car, you should park in an indoor garage. This makes it harder for the rodents to get to your car, especially if you regularly tidy up the garage.

      • Drive Frequently

      An effective way of preventing rodents from taking up residents in your car is by driving the vehicle more often. This makes your car give off loud noises and gets the engine hot, which can make for an uncomfortable living condition for rodents.

      • Remove Food

      This is the single best way of preventing rats from getting into your car, and it should also be used when removing them. Rats primarily enter cars for food, so by keeping your car food-free you won’t have to worry about the rodents.

      By regularly cleaning the car and disposing of old items, your rat problem should slowly go away.

      Call Nuisance Wildlife Rangers

      If you need help removing or preventing rats, you should call Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. We serve all of Southern Florida and can guarantee your car will be rodent free. Call us at (877) 741-7703 to schedule our services today!

      rat removalHow To Get Rid Of Rats Permanently? What Are The Traps Available?

      Rats are a very destructive and dangerous nuisance animal to have around your home and property. Not only do they spread diseases, but they are also one of the most damaging critters to your property because of their tendency to chew all kinds of materials. If you are having problems with rats, continue reading olearn how to get rid of them permanently, as well as some options for the different traps available.

      Professional Help

      Unless you know for a fact that there are only one or two rats in your home, it is very smart to call a professional wildlife removal company as soon as possible. Once rats get into a home, they can reproduce so quickly that it can be impossible to keep up, eventually creating a terrible infestation that could cost thousands of dollars to take care of. Hiring experienced professionals immediately will allow them to get the rats removed and then perform prevention services that will keep any future infestations from occurring.


      As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is even more the case when it comes to rats. One of the reasons that keeping rats out of a home is so hard is because they can squeeze into all kinds of tiny areas. In order to keep them out, it is important to begin by checking your home thoroughly, from the attic to the basement. Keep an eye out for any potential problem areas that could allow a rat to chew their way into your home as well. If you find any areas that could cause you problems, be sure to repair them with any number of different materials. Another prevention step that you could take is to set some traps in anticipation of a rat getting in. These should be checked periodically, as the rat will decompose and smell terrible.

      Removal of Rats

      As mentioned before, unless you are sure that there are just one or two rats in your home, you should not hesitate to call a pest control company. If you are going to go the DIY removal route, there are many different methods that you can use. One of the first decisions you will have to make is whether you want to use lethal or live traps. Lethal traps generally cause swift deaths to the rats immediately, whereas live traps will keep the rat alive and allow you to release it into the wilderness. The next thing you will want to do is to place the traps in a way that is most conducive to rat behavior. For example, it is always a good idea to place rodent traps along walls, behind furniture, or wherever you see a large amount of droppings.

      Lethal Traps

      Now that you know the two main categories of trapping techniques, more detail can be given. Lethal traps generally consist of a trigger that is connected to a spring and striker bar. Once the trigger of a lethal trap is tripped, the spring throws the striker bar at the rat’s head or neck, usually breaking bones and causing a quick death. There are many lethal trap varieties, including the traditional rat trap, repeater-style traps, and pet-safe traps.

      Live Traps

      The live traps that can be used to catch rats generally consist of a cage or metal wall that has an opening that will allow rats in, but will not allow them to leave. There is usually enough room for comfortable waiting time until they are released into the wilderness. These are a good option for anyone who does not want to use a lethal trap.

      two mice

      5 Steps To Get Rid Of Rats In The Garage

      Rats are often a pervasive and terribly persistent type of nuisance wildlife. As human cities and urban dwellings have expanded, natural homes for rodents have understandably grown fewer and further in-between. Naturally, rats (as well as other wild animals) have been forced to adapt and learn new ways to coexist with humans. Making them a real headache for homeowners everywhere.


      There are a few key areas of the home that are generally more prone to animal attacks and infestations than others. These are the attic, the basement, and the garage, as well as the shed, if you have one. The thing that makes the garage so appealing to rats is that you don’t spend as much time there, meaning the rats risk detection less. Moreover, most people use the garage as storage space, meaning there are a lot of boxes, unwanted furniture, and so on. These all make for excellent cover and nesting space for the rats.

      Besides, since you spend less time in the garage and since it’s more exposed to the elements, you are less likely to notice any holes or cracks that may appear (ideal entry holes for rats). As such, the rat has easy access to a safe nesting area, nearby a food or water source.

      WHAT TO DO…

      The first step will be identifying the rat, or rather, making sure it actually is a rat. This will also give you a good idea of the size of the infestation, and of the extent of the damage. While you’re at it, you’ll want to observe the rat’s habits, as this will come in handy later, when you’re getting rid of it.

      Now that step one is over and done with, time for step two – choosing your removal method. By far the most effective way to get rid of a rat is to call a wildlife removal professional, and let them handle the problem for you. Not only are you getting guaranteed success in removing the nuisance animal, but you’re also enjoying help in preventing future infestations.

      If, however, you’re determined to try to remove the rat yourself, we urge that you opt for a humane live trap, instead of the traditional, lethal kind. It’s a very cruel way to get rid of a rat, and no more efficient than a live trap. As for other methods like poison, we wouldn’t recommend it. It will take the rat several hours to die, during which time, it may crawl into a difficult-to-reach spot, causing more trouble.

      Step three is placing the trap and waiting. You want to place the trap along the rat’s natural path – this is why it was important to familiarize yourself with that. Peanut butter is probably the best bait to attract rats, so you want to smear some at the very end of the trap, so the rat is forced to step on the activation plate. Once you’ve placed the live trap, you want to make sure you check on it often, so as not to leave the rat trapped any longer than it needs to be.

      The penultimate step in our plan is releasing the rat. Using the live trap, move the rat to an area where it won’t bother you or be able to find its way back to your home, and free it. Before, you want to make sure there aren’t any baby rats, otherwise separating the mother from the pups would just be cruel.

      Last but not least, you need to disinfect, clean and repair the garage. This will eliminate the risk of contracting illness, and also reduce the chances of future infestations.

      5 Ways To Repel Rats In Your Garden

      If you have a flower or vegetable garden, you are likely very proud of it and want it to produce beautiful flowers or bountiful produce. One of the worst things that can happen is having rats destroy all of your hard work. Rats eat plants, dig holes around them, and can even gnaw at the roots of some plants. Continue reading to learn how to repel these pests from your garden.

      Deter Them with Plants

      Rats are opportunistic feeders, meaning that they will eat very many objects, including some of  your plants. While they may eat many things, there are some plants that repel rats very strongly. One of the most common plants that can be planted to keep rats away is a mint plant of any variety. Some other common plants are garlic, marigolds, and daffodils. There are many ways to plant these plants, but one of the most common methods is to create a barrier along the outside of your garden with these plants to form a wall of sorts that will keep critters out.

      Set Traps

      While setting traps for rats outside might seem like a crazy idea, there are many situations where this can be very effective. Setting traps around your garden can get rid of many of the rats, mice, voles, and other critters that are eating your plants. There are a couple of options, but some of the most common are repeater-style traps that can be either lethal or live traps. Set these in areas where you believe rodents are, and you may cut down on your local rodent population by a lot.

      Keep Them on Their Toes

      One of the most interesting methods for repelling rats from your garden is to let your pets roam free. This is especially effective if you have multiple cats and/or dogs that like to hunt rodents. If they can roam freely, this is especially effective, but if you have to keep them chained up to prevent them from running away, you can set them down by your garden for some time in the fresh air. Even if your pets do not catch all of the rats, if the rats, mice, and other critters see your dog or cat wandering around, they may feel a little bit less comfortable with hanging around your garden and looking for food.

      Professional Help

      Sometimes there are just too many rodents to keep at bay. If you are experiencing some serious rodent problems, one of the most important steps you can take is to reach out to a professional wildlife removal company, such as Nuisance Wildlife Rangers. These professionals have the skills, knowledge, and experience to help get rid of the toughest nuisance wildlife problems. In addition to removing wildlife from your property, these professionals are also able to offer suggestions and perform services that can prevent any more serious problems from occurring.

      Deterrent Scents

      There are a variety of different scents that rats are repelled by. Some of these can be bought or you can make these homemade. One of the most common types of homemade repellents is a mixture of water and hot sauce in a spray bottle. Consider mixing water and cayenne pepper powder in a spray bottle and spray it around the border of your garden. Another common mixture is to mix essential oils such as peppermint, lemon, or eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle. These can deter many more critters than just rats, keeping your garden safe from other problem animals. One important thing to remember is that these scents will wear off, particularly when it rains, so reapplication is likely necessary.

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