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Bird Shock Track System Wildlife Removal Services
Bird Control
Birds are some of the filthiest of animals, their droppings are unsightly, unappealing and render walking surfaces under foot slippery and dangerous. Birds also deface rooftops, floors, walls and vehicles. Property damage problems involving Pigeons and Grackles include unwanted congregations of these birds around areas of human activity resulting in accumulations of feces on trees and lawns, residential and commercial buildings, electrical and radio transmission towers, and other structures. Accumulations of droppings can result in unpleasant odors emanating from roost sites. Their acidic droppings can cause extensive damage to any painted surface. Accumulations on electrical transmission towers have resulted in arcing and localized power outages. Public water supplies have been contaminated with fecal coli form bacteria as a result of droppings entering water towers, springs, or other sources. Other property damage attributed to Pigeons and Grackles includes tearing, and sometimes consuming, asphalt shingles and rubber roofing material, rubber, vinyl, or leather upholstery from cars, boats, tractors, and other vehicles, latex window caulking.
Bird Diseases
Birds can also present serious problems to humans. Birds have been known to carry or transmit Histoplasmosis, Encephalitis, and Orinthosis, Cryptococcosis and Salmonella food poisoning, resulting in increased loss of employee production.
Why Bird Control?
Birds are notorious for attracting more birds and reproducing quickly. This is especially true to Pigeons and Grackles. Once this occurs, the birds will create more damage on the affected building or move to a nearby building. If corrective measures are not taken soon, the problem will continue to escalate.
Bird Control Solutions
Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, LLC can prevent birds from roosting on the ledges, ridges, and on the peaks of roofs. This is accomplished by reducing the number of perching sites available to birds on the building. An electrical bird shock system, known as Shock Track is very effective at controlling many species of birds. This system can be used for protected species of birds such as Vultures t control roosting on top of buildings, signs, balconies, and ledges. The Shock Track system can be powered by a 110V plug in charger or a solar power unit with a backup battery supply unit. This system does not take away from the beauty of the property and it has little to no visibility from the ground level.
Call Nuisance Wildlife rangers for Complete Bird Control Solutions!
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Established in 2013, Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, LLC is one of the largest privately owned Wildlife & Animal Removal Companies in the state of Florida. We protect homes and businesses from dangerous and destructive wildlife throughout Florida.