Cane Toad Removal
The Cane Toad (Rhinella marinus) is a large, non-native amphibian that was introduced to Florida. Adult Cane Toads generally range from 6 to 9 inches long. Cane Toads were originally introduced in the sugar cane fields as a form of biological pest control since their natural diet includes insects. They have large parotid glands behind their ears. These glands secrete a potent milky-white toxin as a defense against predators. The Cane Toad is a psychoactive toad. This means it produces a psychoactive substance from the family of bufotoxins. This is why Cane Toads are sometimes called Bufo Toads by Floridians. The toxin itself is called 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine. People have been reported to lick these toads in order to experience a full body rush and powerful hallucination. In pets however this toxin is very dangerous and can even be lethal.

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