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Animal Removal

How Much Does it Cost to Have an Animal Removed from My Attic?

How Much Does it Cost to Have an Animal Removed from My Attic

Have you been hearing strange noises at night? Maybe there’s been a scratching noise coming from your ceiling. While you might begin to think your house is haunted, the more likely answer is that animals are living in your attic. Tons of different types of animals infest attics, including mammals, insects, and other pests. You might find raccoons, squirrels, rodents,…

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How Much Does Groundhog Removal Cost?

How Much Does Groundhog Removal Cost

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, belong to the marmot family. They are common in North America and are known for digging extensive burrow systems. Unfortunately, these burrows can cause damage to gardens, lawns, and even the foundation of your house. When groundhogs begin burrowing in your yard, they can be hard to get rid of. They tend to hibernate in…

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How Much Does Skunk Removal Cost?

How Much Does Skunk Removal Cost

Skunks are mammals commonly known for their ability to spray a strong-smelling liquid. This spray comes from their anal glands and is their main form of defense against predators. The spray is incredibly strong smelling because it’s their only defense mechanism. If you have ever walked outside only to smell spray from a skunk, you are probably wondering how to…

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Dealing with Skunks on Your Property: Tips and Solutions

Dealing with Skunks on Your Property Tips and Solutions

Skunks are mammals that belong to the Mephitidae family. They are widely known for their ability to spray a strong-smelling liquid from their anal glands. Skunks usually spray when they feel threatened, as it is their main defense mechanism against predators. While skunks are cute, their spray smells extremely strong. Because of this, you never want them frequenting your yard….

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5 Common Misconceptions About Wildlife Control

5 Common Misconceptions About Wildlife Control

Wildlife management is often painted in a bad light. People who are compassionate about animals accidentally spread misinformation that damages the reputation of wildlife services that truly care about the environment and the animals living in it. For example, many people believe that the vast majority of pest control companies are removing animals from homes and backyards using lethal methods….

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Where to Find Animal Removal Near Me

Where to Find Animal Removal Near Me

Living in South Florida, there is tons of wildlife to observe. From reptiles like iguanas and snakes to rodents and furry friends like foxes or raccoons, there is no shortage of animals in this part of the country. While it can be exciting to see wildlife from your backyard, that doesn’t necessarily mean you want them living there. Depending on…

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How Much Does Fox Removal Cost?

How Much Does Fox Removal Cost

Foxes are small members of the family Canidae, which also includes dogs and wolves. They are identifiable by their bushy tails and skinny stature. You can find foxes in most of the continental United States. While seeing a fox in your backyard can be exciting, sometimes they aren’t welcome guests. If you have chickens, foxes will try to make a…

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