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Squirrel Pest Control

What are the Different Types of Squirrels?

What are the Different Types of Squirrels

While you probably know what a squirrel looks like, there are about 65 different species of squirrels living in the United States. The most common types of squirrels include gray squirrels, fox squirrels, reddish squirrels, flying squirrels, and ground squirrels. Each one has different physical characteristics and preferred habitats. Have you been putting out bird feeders only to find that…

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How Much Does Squirrel Removal Cost?

How Much Does Squirrel Removal Cost

Squirrels are small to medium-sized rodents that are identifiable by their bushy tails. They also have large eyes, which make them incredibly cute. While squirrels might be adorable, that doesn’t mean you want them living in your home. Unfortunately, sometimes squirrels invade houses. They can cause a lot of damage to your home and spread diseases to your household pets….

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How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

Have you gone outside to work on your garden only to notice small holes in the ground? You might have also noticed that an animal is snacking on some of your plants or fruits. If so, you could have a squirrel problem. Squirrels are attracted to gardens because they like to snack on fruits and vegetables. They tend to stock…

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Can Squirrels Get Rabies?

Can Squirrels Get Rabies

Squirrels are warm-blooded animals that are considered small to medium-sized rodents. They are found on every single continent except Australia and Antarctica. They have bushy tails and large eyes, making them cute and endearing to many people. While squirrels can certainly be considered cute, they are not always welcome on our property. Having a squirrel infestation can lead to damaged…

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5 Signs You May Have Squirrels in Your Attic

5 Signs You May Have Squirrels in Your Attic

Squirrels might be cute with their fluffy tails and cheeks full of acorns, but that doesn’t mean you want them in your home. While they tend to live in trees, sometimes squirrels come onto human property to find food, water, and shelter. If there are entry points in your home, they might begin to live inside your attic. Maybe you…

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How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels

How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels

There are tons of different types of squirrels out there. Most people are familiar with tree squirrels, which are our furry friends who climb trees and walk along power lines in search of nuts to snack on. However, there is another type of squirrel that rarely spends any time in trees. While ground squirrels can climb trees if necessary, they…

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What Do Squirrel Droppings Look Like?

What Squirrel Droppings Look Like

Squirrels are rodents that are found all across the United States. There are around 280 different species of squirrels, from the Eastern Gray squirrel to the Red squirrel. The type of squirrel you find will depend on what area of the country you live in. You might see them scurrying around parking lots, parks, residential neighborhoods, and in the woods….

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Does Squirrel Repellent Work?

Does Squirrel Repellent Work

Squirrels can be extremely cute, with their bushy tails and big eyes. Sometimes they even have big acorns stored in both of their cheeks, making them even more adorable. Even though squirrels are cute, they can do significant damage to your yard. Squirrels might even try to make your attic their home. This can lead to chewed electrical wire, damaged…

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Where to Find Squirrel Removal Near Me

Where to Find Squirrel Removal Near Me

Even though they are considered rodents, squirrels can be incredibly cute. They have long bushy tails and large eyes that make them look endearing. However, their tendency to drop acorns, nuts, and seeds all over your yard might be causing some strain. If you have a squirrel problem that is creating issues on your property, you should contact a professional…

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How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic

how to get rid of squirrels in your attic

Squirrels may look endearing when rushing across your yard, pausing to nibble on fallen acorns, but they’re far from a furry friend when they make their way inside your home, transforming your attic into a home of their own. A squirrel infestation in your attic is more than just a nuisance; it’s a danger to your home. Not only can…

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