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What Squirrel Droppings Look LikeSquirrels are rodents that are found all across the United States. There are around 280 different species of squirrels, from the Eastern Gray squirrel to the Red squirrel. The type of squirrel you find will depend on what area of the country you live in.

You might see them scurrying around parking lots, parks, residential neighborhoods, and in the woods. They like to balance on tree limbs or run across power lines in search of food, shelter, and other squirrel companions.

Usually, squirrels are active during the day and rest in their nests at night. If your yard has a lot of trees, acorns, and areas for squirrels to nest, you might find yourself dealing with a squirrel infestation. If a squirrel is looking for additional food or shelter, they might attempt to enter your home.

If you suspect squirrels are in your home, you should look out for squirrel droppings. Squirrel poop is dark in color and usually the size of a grain of rice. Because of their diet, their droppings might appear glossy and closely resemble rat droppings.

During this article, you will learn:

  • How to identify squirrel poop
  • Where squirrels leave their droppings
  • How to tell the difference between squirrel and rat poop
  • What to do if you have a squirrel infestation

What Does Squirrel Poop Look Like

Squirrel poop often resembles dark-colored grains of rice. They might also be compared to coffee beans. Squirrel feces tend to be rounded or tapered at the end. Squirrel poop can look similar to rat feces or mouse droppings.

The pellets of squirrel poop can tend to be 3/8 inch long and 1/8 inch in diameter. Typically, squirrels leave piles of pellets instead of just one piece of feces.

While squirrel pellets are usually dark brown, they might have different hues inside of them. Since they eat seeds, berries, and vegetables, you might find red, green, or tan hues inside of their poop.

If you believe there is squirrel feces in your home, make sure to wear gloves when removing it. You should also disinfect the area after removing their feces. Cleaning the area will prevent you from being exposed to diseases or fungi like ringworm.

Where Do Squirrels Poop?

Squirrels tend to avoid pooping in areas where they rest. This means they will leave their droppings while they are moving around. You might find squirrel poop under trees, near birdbaths, or on the ground outside.

If squirrels are living inside of your home, you will find their droppings in the attic or crawl spaces. It is common for squirrels to leave their droppings in the same place repeatedly. This means you might find piles of their pellets in one spot.

If you come across squirrel feces or urine, you should clean up the squirrel droppings immediately. When you find droppings in your home, you are likely dealing with an infestation. In this case, you should contact a wildlife control company like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers.

Telling the Difference Between Squirrel and Rat Droppings

Rodent droppings tend to have a similar look, whether it is coming from a squirrel or a rat. If you find small, rice-shaped droppings in your home, knowing how to identify them is important. When you can tell the difference between squirrel and rat droppings, it is easier to inform your pest control company about what type of animal they are removing.

When you are attempting to decipher whether you’ve come across squirrel or rat droppings, consider the following:

  • Size – Squirrel droppings tend to be larger than rat poop. Squirrel feces can be up to 0.5 inches in length, while rat droppings are usually 0.25 inches or less.
  • Shape – Rat droppings tend to be cylindrical and uniform in shape. On the other hand, squirrels leave droppings that are round in the middle and tapered at the ends.
  • Color – It is difficult to tell the difference between squirrel and rat droppings by their color, as both tend to be dark brown.
  • Smell – If there are a lot of squirrel droppings, you might notice a mild, earthy smell. On the other hand, rat poop leaves a musty and strong odor behind.
  • Content – Rat droppings tend to be smooth, as they fully digest their food. In contrast, squirrel droppings will have pieces of seeds left behind in their droppings.

If you are having a hard time identifying the type of droppings left in your home, you can send pictures to your pest control company. They will identify the feces before coming to remove the animals from your home.

What Should You Do if You Have a Squirrel Problem

If you have squirrels stealing seeds from your bird feeders or living in your attic, you are probably wondering how to get rid of them. It is important to remember that while they can be a nuisance, they are only looking for food and shelter. Instead of harming the squirrels, consider contacting a wildlife control company that will trap and relocate them humanely.

At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we use an ethical approach to all animal removal services. This meant that instead of killing squirrels, we would trap them and relocate them into their natural habitat. If you have dead squirrels in your attic or crawlspace, we will remove them safely and disinfect the area to prevent any spread of diseases.

Get Connected to a Squirrel Removal Company

If you are dealing with a squirrel infestation, you’ve come to the right place. With years of experience in the wildlife control industry, Nuisance Wildlife Rangers can help you with any squirrel problem you are facing. Whether they are in your yard or inside your home, we can help you remove them.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help trap and remove squirrels from your property.

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