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How Much Does Rattlesnake Removal CostRattlesnakes are venomous snakes that are easily identifiable by their triangular-shaped heads and rattles on their tails. When they feel threatened, they shake their rattles to deter predators from approaching them. If you hear a rattling sound in the grass, you might be near a rattlesnake.

There are 32 species of rattlesnakes found in North America, however, only 3 exist in Florida. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake and the dusky pygmy rattlesnake are found all across Florida, while the timber rattlesnake is only found in northern parts of the state.

While each type of rattlesnake has its own behaviors and quirks, they all inflict venomous bites that require immediate medical attention. If you find one in your home, you should never approach it. Instead, contact a wildlife removal or pest control company for assistance in relocating these deadly snakes.

What to Do if You Find a Rattlesnake In Your Home

Rattlesnakes might enter homes if they are fleeing predators, looking for shelter, or in search of food. While they tend to avoid humans, sometimes they get confused. There are a few steps you should take if you find a rattlesnake in your home.

The first thing you should do is leave the area where the rattlesnake is located while getting all children and pets away from the snake.

Other steps you should take include:

  • Staying calm while backing away from the snake and avoiding sudden movements
  • Ensure children and pets are at least 10 feet away from the snake at all times
  • Close the door to the room where the rattlesnake is located to quarantine it from the household and keep it secured
  • Refrain from approaching the rattlesnake or throwing items at it, as this could cause it to strike
  • Call animal control or a wildlife removal expert to trap, remove, and relocate the snake

Rattlesnake bites can be fatal without prompt medical treatment. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, immediately call 911. Remove any clothing on the bite, wash the area, and keep the affected limb still and above your heart while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.

What is the Cost of Rattlesnake Removal?

Snake removal costs vary depending on a variety of factors. First, rattlesnakes are venomous, which means removing them might cost more than a harmless snake. In addition, the location of the rattlesnake, the amount of rattlesnakes present, and whether you need an emergency visit can all play a role in the cost of snake removal services.

Location of Rattlesnake

Rattlesnakes located outside in your yard might cost less to remove. Because they are out in the open, they will feel less threatened, making it safer to trap and remove them. However, if a rattlesnake is in your home, the removal process might be more involved.

Wildlife control experts will have to set careful traps inside your house while sectioning off areas to keep you, your children, and your pets safe. Because the snake is in a closed-in space, they are more likely to strike. As a result, the removal process becomes more dangerous for the technician.

In other words, the location of the snake can influence the overall price of removal.

Number of Rattlesnakes

Removing a snake is simple when there is only one. However, once there are multiple rattlesnakes on the property, the job becomes more complicated. For example, you might need multiple technicians to come out to make sure there are eyes on each snake at all times.

Because of this, the number of rattlesnakes you need to be removed can influence the overall cost. Snake infestations can be hard to address, especially when there are more than a couple.

Emergency Visits

The time of day can affect the cost of the removal as well. Sometimes, you might not notice your snake problem until nighttime. Similarly, snakes don’t always choose a work day to infest your home.

If you need a wildlife removal professional to come and remove snakes outside of normal business hours, on the weekend, or over a holiday, you might have to pay extra for an emergency visit. Because the expert has to come in on their day off, they tend to charge a higher price.

Get Connected to a Rattlesnake Removal Company

If you or a loved one is dealing with a rattlesnake problem, it’s time to call for help. Rattlesnakes are venomous, so you should never allow them to live in your backyard. Thankfully, snake control companies like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers can trap, remove, and relocate rattlesnakes from your property while keeping everyone safe throughout the process.

Nuisance Wildlife Rangers is a full-time wildlife and animal removal company that extends its services to both commercial and residential clients. We have a great team of animal trappers who will work tirelessly to ensure that your home is free of any nuisance critters. We do not use any harmful products and we will focus on humane methods to exterminate the animals. 

Contact us today if you need rattlesnake removal, snake prevention, or help setting snake traps.

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