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How Much Does Snake Removal CostSnakes are found all across the United States. Most of them live on land, spending their time in trees or underground. However, some snakes are semi-aquatic and slither around in the water.

Either way, you might find a snake in your yard. Many fear snakes, so seeing one near your home could be startling. You might be worried about the safety of small children or household pets.

Removing a snake from your property can range from anxiety-inducing to dangerous. If the snake is venomous, removing it on your own could result in a toxic bite. Because of this, you should always hire a professional to help you solve a snake problem.

The cost of snake removal depends on a variety of factors. You have to consider how many snakes are present, the location they are infesting, whether it is a venomous snake, and more. Wildlife removal professionals will use snake traps to safely relocate the snake away from your home.

What Attracts Snakes to Your Yard?

Snakes might come into your yard for a variety of reasons. The main factors that attract them include:

  • Food – Snakes are predators that eat birds, rodents, and other small animals. If your yard has a high amount of small wildlife, snakes might be attracted. Additionally, leaving bird food or pet food outside will cause snakes to appear.
  • Hiding Spots – Snakes look for places to hide from predators and sneak up on their prey. If your yard has tall grass, woodpiles, clutter, or debris piles, snakes might come to hide in those areas.
  • Moist Areas – Snakes like to hang out in moist areas. If your yard has water features like birds or koi ponds, they might be attracted to your property.

It is also possible for snakes to come inside of your home. This is most common when the snake is fleeing from a predator or hiding their young. They might create nests in your crawl space, attic, or another damp and cool area of your home.

Whether you have snakes in your backyard or inside your home, you should consider calling a wildlife professional. Companies like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers will remove the snakes from your property and help you with snake-proofing to prevent them from returning in the future.

What is the Cost of Snake Removal?

If you are in need of snake control, you are probably wondering how much it costs. There are several factors that play a role in the price of snake removal services, including:

Number of Snakes

If you are only dealing with one or two snakes, you can expect a lower overall price. However, if there are a large amount of snakes roaming around your yard or home, you might have to pay more. This is because it will take the wildlife control company more time and effort to remove them all.

Location of Infestation

Having a few snakes in your yard is no big deal. The professional removal company will be able to easily trap and relocate them. However, if snakes have gotten into your crawl space, attic, or even inside of your walls, it will take more work to locate and trap them.

Type of Snake

If you are dealing with poisonous or venomous snakes, you might have to pay a higher price for their removal. Trapping these kinds of snakes puts the workers in a bit of a more dangerous situation, which means they might charge for hazard pay.

Amount of Entry Points

If the snakes are inside your home, that means there are entry points somewhere on your property. These entry points have to be sealed off, which takes time, money, and extra materials. The number of entry points the company has to seal can influence the overall cost of the snake removal visit.

Emergency Visits

Lastly, snakes don’t always adhere to normal business hours. Most wildlife control companies work from 9 to 5 and Monday through Friday. If you find snakes inside your home at night time or on a weekend, you won’t want to wait for the wildlife removal company to open. Instead, you’ll require an emergency visit.

Emergency visits can cost more because they require a pest control agent to come into work on their day off.

Get Connected to a Snake Removal Company

If you are dealing with a snake problem, you might be tempted to try snake repellant sprays found in stores. Unfortunately, these do not always work. The best thing to do is contact a wildlife removal company like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers.

Our wildlife experts will trap and relocate the snakes that are occupying your yard or home. They will also give you snake prevention tips to ensure you do not experience an infestation again.

Nuisance Wildlife Rangers is a full-time wildlife and animal removal company that extends its services to both commercial and residential clients. We have a great team of animal trappers that will work tirelessly to ensure that your home is free of any nuisance critters. We do not use any harmful products and we will focus on the humane methods to exterminate the animals. 

Contact us today for more information on the cost of snake removal.

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