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What Do Possum Droppings Look LikeOpossums are nocturnal marsupials found all across North America. You can identify them by looking for their gray fur, white face, large ears, and bald tails. While they might look intimidating, they generally aren’t aggressive and do their best to avoid humans.

Possums might come onto your property in search of potential food sources, shelter, or water sources. They are often found rummaging through the trash because they are opportunistic eaters. Another way to tell if a possum has been on your property is to look for their droppings.

Possum feces are small and cylindrical shaped. They are about 1 to 2 inches long and range from dark brown to black. Oftentimes, you can identify opossum feces by the presence of undigested food like seeds, berries, or small bones.

If you think there are possums on your property, you might be wondering how to get rid of them. While they tend to be harmless, they can cause damage to your yard and home. Additionally, they pose a health risk because they carry diseases, which means you should not approach one yourself.

Instead, you should contact a wildlife removal company to trap and relocate possums. At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we can help you safely remove possums from your yard, under your crawlspace, and even inside your home.

What Does Possum Poop Look Like?

Possums tend to leave droppings in an area where they feel safe and secure. If you notice opossum scats on your property, they will be visiting the area frequently. Some areas where you might find possum poop include nesting areas, near food sources, on trails, inside sheds or garages, and roofs or gutters.

Identifying possum poop can be difficult if you do not know what to look for. It is important to remember that you should exercise caution when you are near animal scat, as it could contain diseases. Never touch the poop, avoid breathing in the air around it, and clean and disinfect the area after the droppings are removed.

Possum droppings tend to be dark brown or black. They are 1 to 2 inches long and ¼ to ½ inches wide. Their droppings tend to stay moist, which means they will appear shiny.

Another way to identify possum scat is to look for undigested food particles. You might find pieces of fruit, seeds, insect parts, or the bones of small animals.

If you are disposing of possum droppings on your own, you should:

  • Wear gloves and pick up the droppings without allowing them to touch your bare skin
  • Place the droppings in plastic bags
  • Double the plastic bags before tying them off
  • Dispose of the bags in a safe and contained area

Other Ways to Tell if a Possum Has Been in Your Yard

Sometimes, possum droppings can be mistaken for other animal scat, like raccoons, skunks, and squirrels. Because of this, it is helpful to be aware of the other signs that you are dealing with a possum infestation.

Some signs that possums have been in your yard include:

  • Trash- Possums will eat just about anything, which means they might overturn garbage cans or leave trash strewn across your yard.
  • Scratch Marks- Possums mark their territory by leaving scratch marks on garbage cans, trees, or even the side of your home.
  • Tracks- Possums might leave tracks on wet dirt, mud, or snow. They have five toes and their tracks look similar to the shape of a maple leaf.
  • Damage to Plants and Trees- Possums might damage your garden looking for something to eat. They also leave scratch marks on trees and break branches.
  • Damage to your Home- If a possum gets inside your home, they might chew through insulation or wires in your attic. They can also damage structures in your crawl space.
  • Noises- If you hear scratching, shuffling, or scurrying noises at night, there might be a possum roaming around.
  • Odor- Possums play dead to stay safe from predators and they even emit a foul odor to make it more believable.

If you believe possums are wreaking havoc on your property, you might need to contact an animal removal company. Possums can overturn trash cans, damage gardens, and even get inside your home and chew through insulation or electrical wires. Because of this, it is best to get professional help to remove possums from your property.

How to Get Rid of Possums

If you have possums frequenting your yard, you might be wondering how to get rid of them. Because they can carry diseases and become defensive when approached, it is best that you avoid getting near them. Instead of trying to remove them yourself, you should call a wildlife removal or pest control company.

At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we can help you with any type of opossum removal. Whether the animals are in your yard, crawl space, or inside of your home, we can safely remove them without anyone getting harmed in the process.

Because we use an ethical and humane approach to wildlife control, we will never harm the possums during the removal process. Instead, we use live traps to contain them before we bring them to a wild area away from humans and businesses. This gives the possums a chance to live their lives without being a nuisance to humans and ensures the local ecosystem is protected.

Get Connected to a Possum Removal Company

If you or a loved one is dealing with a possum infestation, it’s time to get professional help. At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we can trap, remove, and relocate opossums that are causing you trouble. We also provide a wide range of other animal removal services, ensuring that any critter that is bothering you is brought back out into the wild and away from your property.

Nuisance Wildlife Rangers is a full-time wildlife and animal removal company that extends its services to both commercial and residential clients. We have a great team of animal trappers who will work tirelessly to ensure that your home is free of any nuisance critters. We do not use any harmful products and we will focus on humane methods to exterminate the animals. Our trappers are experienced and will explain every stage of the wildlife removal process. We are committed to ensuring that your home is safe and fully protected from the invasion of animals.

Contact us today for more information on our possum removal services.

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