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What Does Skunk Poop Look LikeSkunks are mammals known for their ability to spray a liquid that causes a strong and unpleasant scent. Skunks are helpful in some ways, including helping gardens flourish. For example, skunks eat garden pests that could harm your fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

While skunks can be helpful in some situations, it is reasonable to want to keep them away. Skunk spray can cause a nasty scent that can linger across your property and even inside your home. Additionally, they might dig up your yard looking for insects to munch on, creating a mess you’ll have to clean up.

If you have a feeling that skunks are coming into your yard, you might be wondering how to identify their presence. One way to tell if you have a skunk problem is by identifying skunk droppings. Skunk feces are dark brown, tubular, and have blunt ends.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Why skunks are attracted to human’s yards
  • What skunk poop looks like
  • How to spot skunks in your yard
  • How to remove skunks from your property

Why Do Skunks Come Onto Human Property?

Skunks may come into your yard in search of food, water, or shelter. Because skunks are omnivores, they eat both plants and animals. That being said, skunks usually only go for small animals like rodents or insects like bees, grasshoppers, beetles, and insect larvae.

If you have a fruit or vegetable garden, you might find skunks on your property munching on your produce. Additionally, skunks are attracted to water sources like koi ponds, bird baths, swimming pools, and even buckets that have filled up with rainwater.

Lastly, skunks might come onto your property if they find good shelter. They tend to build dens under decks, porches, or patios to hide from predators and reproduce.

What Do Skunk Droppings Look Like?

If you believe that skunks are coming onto your property, it can be helpful to know what their droppings look like. Skunk poop is dark brown, tubular, and has blunted ends. Their droppings tend to be ½ inch in diameter and 1 to 2 inches in length.

It is common for skunk droppings to contain undigested food particles. You might find particles of the following types of food in skunk poop:

  • Insect parts
  • Berry seeds
  • Fur or feathers
  • Grass
  • Insect exoskeletons

It is easy to mistake skunk poop with small dog feces. The main difference will be the undigested food particles, as most dogs are eating a balanced diet that does not contain things they cannot digest.

Other Signs of Skunks in Your Yard

If you are having a hard time identifying their droppings, there are other ways to determine if skunks have been in your yard. The most obvious sign is the smell of their spray. Skunk spray tends to smell like sulfur or rotten eggs and can linger for a few days after it is released.

Other signs of skunk activity in your yard include:

  • Digging – skunks tend to dig small holes in the ground in search of insects or grub. These holes might be 3 to 4 inches deep and cone-shaped. They may even leave behind skunk tracks.
  • Damaged Gardens – because insects are attracted to gardens, skunks will often dig up your garden looking for insects to eat. They might also eat certain vegetables or fruits that you have growing in your yard.
  • Overturned Trash Cans – if skunks get desperate or smell something attractive, they might overturn your trash cans to get to the food source.

Dealing with skunks is never fun, especially if they are spraying on your property. Instead of attempting to run them off yourself, you should contact a professional wildlife removal company for assistance. While removing food sources can help eliminate the problem, having professionals there will make a confrontation with a defensive skunk less likely.

How to Solve a Skunk Problem

If you have a skunk problem on your property, there are a few things you can do. First, you should remove all food sources. This means bringing pet food bowls inside, keeping trash cans secure, and fencing off your garden with electric or wire mesh fencing.

Another thing to consider is water sources. If you have bird baths, koi ponds, swimming pools, or other areas where there is a pool of water, you should consider covering them when they are not in use. Doing this will prevent skunks from associating your yard as a source of hydration.

Lastly, you should consider calling a professional wildlife removal service if you are dealing with a persistent skunk problem. When skunks feel threatened, they often spray to deter predators. However, they might also attack if you are attempting to run them off.

By calling Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, you can ensure that you and the skunk stay safe during the removal process. We only use ethical approaches to trapping and removal, which means we will never harm a skunk while relocating them away from your yard.

Get Connected to a Skunk Removal Service

If you are dealing with a skunk infestation, it’s time to consider professional help. Wildlife removal services like Nuisance Wildlife Rangers will remove skunks from your property and help you prevent them from returning in the future.

Contact us today for more information on our skunk removal services.

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