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Pigeons are everywhere. Whether you live in an urban or rural environment, the odds are pretty good pigeons live nearby.

While these birds may look cute and friendly from afar–often invoking romantic notions involving park benches and little old ladies–the truth, these birds are often more foe than friend.

There’s a reason why pigeons are often referred to as rats with wings.

While they have certainly benefited humankind in many ways–including their long history as messengers–pigeons are capable of living just about anywhere and often thrive in areas populated by humans. This makes it difficult to control the birds and prevent from damaging structures and property.

So if you have a pigeon problem, what should you do?

There are many solutions for pigeon removal and prevention. Let’s take a closer look at these birds and how to control them in your area.

A closer look at pigeons

Sharing the same bird family as the dove, pigeons are a diverse species. Pigeons account for over 300 species of birds.

They live on nearly every continent and in almost all climates.

With so much variation and such a wide-ranging habitat, it’s easy to see why pigeons can become a nuisance and are tough to control.

Where do pigeons live?

Pigeons make their homes in many different places.

You’ll find these birds making nests anywhere from trees, to old barns, to the attic in your home. Pigeons usually make simple nests out of twigs and grass.

Pigeons usually make simple nests out of twigs and grass. Since their nests are so simple–and often quite flimsy–it’s easy for pigeons to make them in difficult to reach places.

If the conditions are just right …

Like many animals, pigeons are always on the lookout for an easy meal. And areas occupied by people often provide lots of opportunities to pick up an extra bite to eat.

If there’s a good food supply and a nice sheltered place to make a nest, the pigeons will come. Given that some pigeon species have been domesticated and their habitat needs, pigeons do tend to hang out around people.

How pigeons get into your home

Once you’ve supplied the pigeons with a consistent food supply and few options to make their home, it’s just a matter of time before they move in for good.

Pigeons could look for access to your attic or other interior areas through openings around the outside of your home. Remember, these birds are small–usually not more than a foot long–so it doesn’t take much of an opening for them to get in.

How much damage could they do?

While pigeons might seem harmless enough, they can actually inflict a fair amount of damage.

Unsightliness aside, bird droppings can damage structures, vehicles, and vegetation. While the droppings from a few birds could be harmless, a large flock could make a significant impact on their surrounds.

Pigeons have also been known to spread disease and carry unwanted insects, like fleas and ticks. So there are real dangers involved with pigeons living in or around your home or property.

How to keep pigeons out of your home

There are many ways to keep pigeons out of your home. Choosing the best method often depends on your location and the layout of your property.

Build a barrier

One method for keeping pigeons away from your porches, windows, or openings in your attic is to physically block the openings. This can be done in a number of ways including:

  • Wooden boards or sheet metal
  • Plastic sheeting or mesh

You’ll want to check your barriers regularly to ensure that they are still in place and have not been damaged by the birds.

Repellants for pigeons

There are also a number of repellents available for pigeons and other birds.

These work much like repellents for insects. You treat the area with a chemical that keeps the birds away.

Lights, sounds, and decoys

Another option for keeping pigeons away from your home is the use of lights, sounds, or physical, scarecrow-like decoys.

If physical barriers or repellants don’t quite do it for you, you may want to try something a little more unique.

Placing a fake owl decoy in an area pigeons frequent may help scare them away by introducing a copy one of their natural predators. The owl will, in theory, scare the pigeons away much like a scarecrow.

Other unique options include light or sound deterrents designed to scare the pigeons away.

What to do when they’ve gone too far

If your pigeon problem has gone too far and repelling or deterring them is no longer an option, it may be time to look at pigeon removal methods.

If the pigeons have made your house or property their home, trying to scare them away is probably not going to be effective. Blocking them out of your attic or other spaces will be difficult as well given that some birds will still be in those areas.

The best solution at this point is to try to either trap the birds or kill them with poison or other methods.

Pigeon removal services in Clearwater

Removing a pest from your home can be a tough job. If you’re not experienced with trapping and removing animals from your property, this step is probably best left to the pros.

Pigeon removal can be a tough job, but it can be necessary in the Clearwater area for some of the reasons listed above.

Like we saw above, pigeons tend to hang around areas where people live. They eat our food and often make their homes in and around our property. This fact can make it tough to get rid of the birds.

If you’ve already tried to keep pigeons out of your home or deter birds that are already there and have been unsuccessful, don’t wait to take the next step.

Don’t worry if your problem has gone too far. If you’re in need of pigeon removal services, we’d love to help. Contact us today and you will never see those birds near your home again!

If you have other pest problems, check out the rest of our blog for other pest control tips and tricks.

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