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What Do Armadillo Holes Look Like A Guide to Armadillo BurrowsArmadillos can be found throughout the United States. They are most commonly found in the Southwestern region of the U.S. The type of armadillo you will find in America is known as the nine-banded armadillo (Banded Armadillos Dasypus Novemcinctus).

Armadillos are round-shaped, banded, and shelled. These animals are notorious for digging up yards, damaging foundations, and destroying plant beds in search of food sources. If there are armadillos on your property, the easiest way to spot them is their holes.

Armadillos dig burrows for several reasons. They might use these holes for shelter from predators or harsh weather. They also hide their young inside of burrows to keep them safe.

If you believe there are armadillos on your property, knowing what their holes look like can help you be certain. Armadillo burrows are usually three inches deep and 5 inches wide. It can appear like the turf has been peeled away from the ground.

Why Do Armadillos Burrow?

Armadillos burrow to stay safe from predators and severe weather. They also use these holes as a space to raise their young. For both mature and young armadillos, burrows offer protection from predators like alligators.

If it is hot outside, an armadillo will use their burrow for shade from the sun and heat. In fact, armadillos spend nearly 30% of their time inside of their burrows during the summer months. On the other hand, they spend 65% of their time in holes during the winter to shelter from the cold.

Young armadillos will remain inside the burrows for two to three weeks before they establish their burrow and territory.

Armadillos like to feed on roots. As a result, they tend to make their burrows near root systems. It is common to find armadillo holes near brush piles or at the base of bushes.

What Do Armadillo Burrows Look Like?

Armadillos can be an extreme nuisance if they are making burrows on your property. Not only will they damage your yard and garden, but they can carry diseases like leprosy. Keeping this in mind, you should never allow an armadillo infestation to go unchecked.

If you are wondering whether the holes in your yard are burrows, you’ve come to the right place. Burrows are holes that armadillos dig into the ground. Since they are so good at digging, it might look like your turf has been peeled off of the ground.

Armadillo burrows are usually 3 inches deep and 5 inches across. This offers just enough room for them to hide inside their burrow or leave their babies there.

How to Remove Armadillos From Your Yard

The best way to remove armadillos from your yard is to contact a professional wildlife removal service. At Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, we have years of experience in trapping and relocating animals like armadillos. Instead of harming them, we use a cage trap to secure them and bring them back into the wild, far away from your home.

We will place the traps in the route they take to get to their burrow. This ensures they will walk right into the trap with no issues. They leave distinct tracks with their nose in the dirt, so it is easy to determine where the trap should be placed.

Once the armadillo is in the trap, we will remove them from your property. As long as the armadillo is not showing signs of disease, we will relocate them to an area that is safe for other wildlife and people.

If you or a loved one has an armadillo problem in Florida, contact Nuisance Wildlife Rangers for assistance.

Preventing Armadillos From Returning

There are plenty of ways to ensure that armadillos do not return to your property. First, you should eliminate their food source. You can make your yard less appealing to armadillos by trimming and pruning your landscape. Since they like to eat insects and worms, this will reduce the amount of them hiding in your bushes.

Other ways to prevent armadillos from returning include:

  • Replace large bushes with low-lying groundcover
  • Install in-ground or electric fencing
  • Consider placing live traps
  • Use armadillo repellent like a mixture of cayenne pepper and water

Finding Help for Armadillo Infestations

If you or a loved one has an armadillo problem, Nuisance Wildlife Rangers are here to help. We can offer an ethical approach to removing and relocating armadillos. This keeps your family and the local ecosystem safe and protected.

Contact us today to learn more about our armadillo removal services.

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