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peacock removal

Peacock Control At It’s Best

By August 30, 2017No Comments

Peacock control has become an issue of major importance in Florida in the recent past with many home owners complaining of cases of disturbances in their homes due to the presence of the birds. The peacocks have been the cause of destruction to gardens and also damages to cars through scratching.

How to Keep Peacocks off Cars

Male peacocks will scratch their wings and claws against your car as a way of fighting the reflection that they see. This is because they assume the reflection to be rival males that are out to conquer their territories. This makes them agitated and thus they cause a lot of damage to the cars. The best peacock control technique that can work efficiently here is the sealing off of parking areas using wire mesh. This works to ensure that the peacocks have no access to the cars. Using car covers has also proved to be efficient in that it helps to prevent the peacocks from viewing their reflections.

How to Scare Away Peacocks

Scaring away peacocks as a method of peacock control has been known to be very effective in getting rid of the nuisance caused by these birds. Scarring of the peacocks can be done well by use of water sprinklers in your garden. Peacocks hate to get wet and thus will keep off any area that threatens them with water. If you happen to own a pet dog, this can also be effective in scaring away the peacocks. The birds are fearful of the dog barking sound and will not go into areas that the dogs are.

How to Get Rid of Unwanted Peacocks

There are home owners who have pet peacocks that they keep on their yards. But even with this, some other peacocks may want to invade the yard and make a home of it thus creating chaos. To get rid of unwanted peacocks, an easy but very effective method of peacock control that is suggested is the sealing off of all entry points. This can be done by use of wire mesh at the openings along the demarcations of our yards. Building a high fence also helps to prevent the unwanted peacocks from jumping into the yard.

Peacock Control on My Porch

Peacock control has to be focused very keenly on our porches. This is because peacocks tend to have a habit of settling on our porches and refusing to leave. The peacocks will normally access your porch through branches of nearby growing trees. It is therefore very helpful if one can trim the branches of trees that are in contact with their house. This will deny the peacocks a path by which to access your porch.

We at the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers are a nuisance animal removal company that has a special capacity to handle peacock removal problems. We are dedicated and committed to our service delivery and offer our clients the guarantee of excellence in helping them get an answer to their peacock removal problem.

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