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Bat Removal

Bat Removal Palm Beach Shores

By June 25, 2018July 7th, 2018No Comments

We are a fully qualified and well-equipped company and this is why we find no difficulty in providing bat removal Palm Beach Shores services. When you come to Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, you can be sure that you will not be frustrated in any way and all your bat problems will be solved.

Can I Poison Bats?

It is understandable that when you have bats in your home you may be sacred and as such try different methods to get rid of bats. However, there is hardly any poison that you can use to remove bats, as they feed on insects, making it hard for them to ingest poison. In addition, bats are protected by law in Florida and you can only remove them by exclusion and be proofing your home.

Bat Exclusion

The process of exclusion is highly recommended as it will allow you to get rid of bats, without hurting them. The wildlife removal companies have a way of creating a one-way exit, which means that when the bats leave your home at dusk, they cannot come back at dawn. There are so many methods of bat exclusion and it is best to engage an expert for the task.

Nuisance Wildlife Rangers has so many options when it comes to bat removal Palm Beach Shores. We will use exclusion as the main strategy and find a way to relocate the pups if they cannot fly out of the house. You can trust our service for proper bat control.

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