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Iguana Removal


By August 8, 2017August 8th, 2019No Comments

The problem of iguana invasion has become an issue of great concern in Florida with new incidences being reported on a daily basis and thus bringing about the need to have professional iguana removal Jupiter firms to help put this situation under control.  Iguanas are not native to Florida and came about as a result of the pet trade that existed between the USA and the South American countries. However, the warm tropical climate of Florida serves to facilitate these iguanas with a favorable climate to thrive in. The vegetative growth found in many parts of Florida serves as feed for these vicious herbivorous animals that have such huge feed demands that if not put to check can be the cause of great destruction to our gardens.

We at the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers are a professional iguana removal Jupiter firm based here in Florida and we have a vast experience in iguana removal that will guarantee that all your needs are sorted.

Iguana Bait

Many times when faced with an iguana invasion problem at home, people will result in the idea of capturing the animal and removing it from their property and which better way to do so than to trap the iguana.  Trapping iguanas is an effective method of controlling them and with the use of a good trap; one also needs to couple it up with good bait that will help to lure the iguana into the trap. Here at Nuisance Wildlife Rangers, our vast experience in iguana removal Jupiter has revealed that these organisms are herbivorous in nature and thus when selecting a bait to use in trapping them, we advise that a person goes for a plant based bait which will ensure that you achieve the most desirable result.

Our iguana removal Jupiter experts advise that home owners use fruits as baits. Iguanas are known to be lovers of fruits with mangoes and bananas ranking as the most preferred fruits by iguanas. With this knowledge in mind, the setting up of an iguana trap with bait will not be an uphill task.  The trapper needs to cut the mango or banana and put it to use while still in its succulent state for the best results to be achieved. Bait that has been used in one trap should not be recycled into another trap as the iguanas may avoid it because of the scent of other iguanas that may have visited the trap or bait. In addition to having a good trap and bait, the trapper also needs to place the trap in the most strategic position possible. The best place to do this is the entry and exit points of the iguanas into and out of your home.  Another good place to set up the baited traps is at the openings of the burrows that the iguanas live in.

Iguana Removal Services Near Me

When faced with an iguana invasion problem, the situation can be horrifying because of the extent of damage that the reptiles may cause on your garden if not checked against. But even with this already horrifying situation, it gets even much worse if you happen not to have an idea of where and how you can obtain iguana removal Jupiter services near you. The damage caused by iguanas in your garden is one that can cost you a lot of money in repairs as the iguanas will apart from just descending on your garden, also unleash their wrath on your pool and landscape too in just a short while. If you are a resident of Jupiter, you are more than blessed to have us the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers to handle all your iguana removal Jupiter needs.  Iguanas are attracted to our town because of the warm tropical climate of this area that supports the growth of vast vegetations and at the same time is also kind and favorable to their exotic skins and thus they remain hydrated always.

Our company, the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers has a very rich professional profile that speaks volumes for it. The level of expertise that is put into practice whenever our team of experts gets down to the important task of iguana removal cannot for a single moment be put to doubt. We are the best-equipped company in iguana removal Jupiter and have the capacity to handle even the most complex of iguana problems that any of our clients may be faced with. We have a vast experience spanning over a four year period in the iguana removal field in Jupiter and Florida at large. Should you seek iguana removal services, feel free to contact us on (877) 741-7703, (561) 508-3109 or (877) 741-7703. You can also visit our offices that are located on 7040 Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd Ste. 25-122 Loxahatchee, FL 33470.

How to Catch an Iguana in the House

It is not usual to have iguanas make their way into our houses but in rare instances that this does happen, it is important to remove the iguanas from the house immediately upon sighting them. This is important if your house is to remain in its original state and if injuries are to be avoided in the occasion that the iguana may become agitated in the house and bite someone. Removing the iguanas from your house promptly also helps to prevent the possibility of the iguana laying eggs in the house and thus leading to an iguana infestation.

When looking to catch an iguana in the house, we at the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers being experienced in iguana removal Jupiter advice that our clients opt for the use of snare traps and cages. The snare traps and cages need to be baited for the best results to be achieved. As advised earlier, opt for the use of freshly cut mangoes and bananas as baits. The trap or cage can then be placed on the entry and exit points used by iguanas in accessing your house.

Our experience in iguana removal Jupiter has also revealed that the use of repellents is a very effective method of catching the iguanas in the house. The iguanas once high on the repellent become susceptible and can easily be caught and taken out of the house or placed in a cage. One should pick the most user-friendly and eco-friendly repellent in order to guard against any adverse health effects on the user. The iguanas once trapped should be handed over to the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers and we will help you relocate it to another area where the animal won’t cause a nuisance.

Iguana Trap

Iguanas though not classified as protected species by the Florida state, they still do need to be handled in the safest and most legal manner possible. The best method of controlling iguanas is the use of traps that help you capture the animal and then later relocate it to another area. It is important that one has prior information about traps if proper use and purchase of them is to be made. One needs to know which is the right trap to use and how best to use it to avoid injuries to both the user and the animal. At the Nuisance Wildlife Rangers we are highly skilled in iguana removal Jupiter and thus are best placed to advise our esteemed clients on which are the most appropriate trap to use. Here in this section, we advise on the use of the following traps that have been used and tried by the number one iguana removal Jupiter firm.

  1. The Havarhat 1079 trap;

This version of the Havarhat trap has been praised by many iguana trappers in the USA. It is the most commonly used iguana trap and it can be used when both baited or not baited.  Setting up this trap requires no special skills and even a first timer won’t have much trouble setting it up. The trap has a door that closes immediately the iguana steps into the cage and thus trapping it.

  1. The Havarhat 1085 trap;

Our second option for a trap also comes from the makers of our previous trap. This model comes with two doors one on either side of the trap to enable you to trap the iguana no matter the direction it is coming from. The trap has been proven beyond doubt to be very efficient in the trapping of iguanas and is ranked among the best available in the market.

How to Get Rid of Iguanas in Your Garden

Iguanas as we have already told you are herbivorous animals and therefore will be attracted to any place that has vegetation that appeals to them. If left to stay for too long in the garden, the iguanas can be the cause of great destruction to the landscape and thus it’s important that the iguana is gotten rid off from your garden as soon as they are spotted. The following iguana removal Jupiter methods have been proven to be effective in getting rid of iguanas in the garden.

  1. Make sure to clear pet food away; the presence of pet food in our gardens will act as an attractor for iguanas to invade the garden and make their home there and thus continue to cause havoc in it. It is important that after feeding the pets you clear away all pet food.
  2. Leftovers should not be left lying around; just like the case with the pet food, human food leftovers also attract iguanas and provide feed for them and thus it is important to clear away tables and kitchen counters after feeding.
  3. Cover your trash can; Food deposits in trash cans provide feed for iguanas and may be the reason for them staying in your garden, it is important to cover your trash can with a metal lid and also ensure that it is emptied regularly.
  4. Spray the iguanas with water; having a hose pipe in your garden can come in handy, spray the iguanas with water immediately they set foot in your garden and scare them away. This will help to get rid of them.
  5. Prevent access to trees; Iguanas are known to create their nesting grounds in trees and therefore it is important to prevent them from accessing the top of trees. Create a barrier for them that will disable them from climbing to the top of trees.



Iguana Removal Cost

Iguana removal is a process that requires the expertise of a professional iguana removal Jupiter firm. But even in the quest to access these iguana removal services, it is important to note that not all companies that are in the wildlife removal industry can handle iguana problems. This is because iguana removal Jupiter is a complex process that requires a firm that has the right capacity to handle the situation to be the one engaged in it. Iguana removal costs may vary from company to another and it is good and advisable that anyone who is seeking to have this services dispensed to them look around carefully before investing their money in a procedure that will be done in a displeasing manner. The iguana removal procedure needs to be such that will ensure there is no possible re occurrence of the iguanas again once they have been exterminated from a home.

A good iguana removal firm will also provide disinfecting services to the client in order to guard against the spread of salmonella that is so very common in iguanas. Salmonellas can cause diseases in human beings when ingested in food.  The Nuisance Wildlife Rangers provides the best iguana removal services in the market and the most affordable going rates. Give us a call today to access the best services at the most affordable price.

The Nuisance Wildlife Rangers is an iguana removal Jupiter firm that ranks among the best. Our policy is to provide each and every one of our clients with the best services that will ensure that their iguana problem is taken care of.

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